A tin plate fridge magnet with a digital drawing of Florence Nightingale surrounded by animals.
Caring Companions Magnet
22 in stock
22 in stock
Each of the animals shown on this magnet had some significance to Florence Nightingale. The Little Owl was her pet Athena, who Florence rescued in Athens whilst on holiday. You can see the real Athena in the museum. The dog is refence to Cap the dog, who was one of Florence’s first patients. The tortoise is a nod to Jimmy, who was a ward pet at Scutari hospital. The cat on Florence’s lap demonstrates that Florence was a cat lover and had over 60 cats in her lifetime. This design is the logo for the museum’s Caring Companions exhibition. Artwork by Beth Harding.
As Florence Nightingale wrote in her most famous work, Notes on Nursing, A small pet is often an excellent companion. Nightingale had a strong belief that taking care of small animals could improve a person’s physical and mental wellbeing.
Exclusive to the Florence Nightingale Museum.
Product Dimensions: 53mm x 78mm x 3mm
Packaging Dimensions: 106mm x 148mm x 4mm
Weight: 29g