Dorothy Knowles (née Judge)
1958 – 2021
Theatre Sister – William Harvey Hospital
Dorothy was born on 1st March 1958 to Dora and Ron Judge. The youngest of four siblings, she was only 11 years old when she lost her mother to cancer. A truly special and caring lady, Dorothy was destined to become a nurse, following in the footsteps of her dear mother, who was a nurse in London during WWII.
Dorothy tirelessly dedicated her life to her profession and caring for others. After leaving school, she started working at the Old Rectory, the local old people’s home, before joining the West View Care Home in Tenterden, Kent, as an auxiliary nurse. After marrying the love of her life, her husband Jeff, in 1978, they moved to Willesborough and she started her nursing training at the William Harvey Hospital, where she stayed until her retirement from her role as Theatre Sister with the Head and Neck theatre team.
Dorothy was revered by colleagues who described her as “what you would call an ‘old school’ theatre sister who had standards you could only hope to meet! Her theatre ran like a military operation with a place for everything, and everything in its place!”
Along with her love of nursing, Dorothy was passionate about her family. She had two children, Laura and Simon, and four granddaughters, who she doted on and had the fortune of spending more time with following her retirement.
A vibrant spirit with an infectious zest for life, Dorothy radiated warmth, kindness and generosity – you couldn’t help but want to be near her. Never without her trademark cheeky grin that resonated through her eyes, she embraced all of life’s adventures. She shared a love of bell ringing with Jeff, her sister Celia, and Dad Ron, and sang across the years in the church choir, Cranbrook Choral Society and Invicta Singers. In her retirement she took great joy from exploring the wonders of the world with her beloved Jeff.
In honour of Dorothy the nurse, the wife, mother, grandmother, sister, auntie, cousin, and of Dorothy the gorgeous soul and friend.
You, your legacy and your laughter remain forever in our hearts and memories.