A Visit with Miss Nightingale

Come and meet Miss Nightingale in our popular workshop!

Session Overview

Discover the story of ‘The Lady with the Lamp’, why she went to the Crimea, how she improved conditions for the soldiers and nurses and what happened as a result of her work.

The session begins with an interactive performance by the museum’s own ‘Florence Nightingale’ describing her life and work. This is then followed by self-directed activities in the museum. Please note that due to the size of the Museum, we can only accommodate up to 32 pupils at a time.

If you’re bringing two classes (one for a morning and one for an afternoon session) the second group cannot visit the Museum whilst the first group has their session.

I thought it was exceptional. This trip is always the best one we go on every year and the one enjoyed most by the children and I have been teaching for a long time and arranged a lot of trips!
–Key Stage 1 Teacher
Standard Exclusive Access
  The Museum is open to the public during your visit. The Museum is closed to the public during your visit, it will be open to your class only.
Days Tuesday – Friday Monday
Session length 1 hour and 40 minutes 1 hour and 40 minutes
Cost £250  £290
Timings 10.20-12.00 or 12.20-14.00 10.20-12.00 or 12.20-14.00

Each session includes museum entry and workshop for up to 32 Children; Please note we require a ratio of 1:5 in the museum, adults within this ratio and any 1:1 support staff are included in the cost, any additional adults will cost a discounted admission rate of £10 each.

  • KS1 History – The lives of significant individuals in the past, who have contributed to national and international achievements
  • KS1 History – Significant historical events, people and places in their own locality
  • KS1 Maths – Interpret and construct simple pictograms, tally charts, block diagrams and simple tables
  • KS1 and 2 English – All pupils should be enabled to participate in and gain knowledge, skills and understanding associated with the artistic practice of drama.
  • To gain an understanding of why Florence Nightingale is famous and why we remember her.
  • To gain an understanding of why Florence Nightingale went to the Crimean War and what it was like working at Scutari Hospital.
  • To find out how Florence Nightingale improved conditions for the nurses and soldiers in the Crimean War.
  • To find out why Florence Nightingale’s legacy is important and how nursing has changed since.
  • To help pupils engage with mental health and wellbeing and why this is important to nursing as well as to wider social interactions.

How to Book

To book this session, please fill out the form below.

If the dates you request are unavailable, we will try to offer the closest available dates. A date will be held for 2 working days, while we await the return of the booking form. Once a booking form has been received by us from a school, a confirmation email will be sent out. After the confirmation has been sent, the cancellation policy applies.

For each session booked, up to two teachers may visit the museum for free prior to their session. Please pre-book your pre-visit with our learning team at learning@florence-nightingale.co.uk at your point of booking.

Primary School Enquiry Form

Please use this form to enquire about our primary school sessions
Contact name(Required)
Address of School(Required)
Which session are you interested in?
Please note we do not offer self-guided museum visits for primary school groups
Please note onsite visits are either 10:20-12:00 or 12:20-14:00
Please include AM or PM
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Session Details

  • Florence Nightingale Museum, Waterloo, London

  • Monday – Friday, term time – various timings

  • Mostly suited to KS1, but can be adapted for KS2

  • £250-290

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