Outreach Offering

If your group would like to learn about Florence Nightingale or Mary Seacole, we can come to you. We have 3 options you can choose from.

Florence Nightingale on the Road

Florence Nightingale visits the group at their venue, and tells her life story in her own words.


Activity length: Talk 30-40 minutes plus time for questions

Price: dependent on location

London travel zones 1-4                 £160 plus £32VAT plus travel costs

London travel zones 5-6                 £180 plus £36VAT plus travel costs

Outside London                                £200 plus £40VAT plus travel costs

Mary Seacole on the Road

Mary Seacole visits the group at their venue, and tells her story in her own words.


Activity length: Talk 30-40 minutes plus time for questions

Price: dependent on location

London travel zones 1-4                 £160 plus £32VAT plus travel costs

London travel zones 5-6                 £180 plus £36VAT plus travel costs

Outside London                                £200 plus £40VAT plus travel costs

Florence Nightingale Museum Talk

A member of the museum team visits the group at their venue. They give a talk about Florence Nightingale’s life and achievements, and shows images of various relevant museum objects to illustrate their point.


Activity length: Talk 20 minutes plus time for questions

Technical requirements: Computer with access to PowerPoint and connected to a projector

Price: dependent on location

London travel zones 1-4                 £140 plus £28VAT plus travel costs

London travel zones 5-6                 £160 plus £32VAT plus travel costs

Outside London                                £180 plus £36VAT plus travel costs

Please note that the off-site talks are subject to Florence Nightingale/Mary Seacole/staff availability.

How To Book

To register interest in booking an outreach please fill out the enquiry form below.

Florence Nightingale Museum Group Outreach Enquiry Form

Thank you for your interest in having a Digital (Zoom) or Outreach visit from the Florence Nightingale Museum. Please note this is not a booking form. Once it has been established that we have availability to provide your requested format of talk, you will then be sent a booking form to complete.

Contact Details

Contact Name(Required)
Contact Address(Required)

Group Details

Name of Group Leader(Required)
If asking for an in person talk
course/special interest

Dates and times

DD slash MM slash YYYY
DD slash MM slash YYYY
Preferred time(Required)
Alternative time

Digital Offering

Provided via Zoom for up to 99 participants
Type of session interested in

Outreach Offering

Type of session interested in