A History of Nursing


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A History of Nursing explores the history of nursing by investigating the earliest records of the caring profession, how it progressed and what established it along the way to becoming the nursing we see today. It starts at the beginning of the story – how, once upon a time, all we had to depend on was Mother Nature.

How did nursing go from being knowledge handed down through ancient scripts, folklore and sometimes by accident, to the degree-level, accountable practice of modern times? And why do nurses not wear hats anymore? A History of Nursing answers all these questions and more.

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This concise and fascinating read is fully illustrated with both black and white, and colour plates. Presented in easily accessible chapters, themselves then divided into easy-to-follow sections. Nursing in Antiquity is followed by chapters on the early and late Middle Age, to the foundation of modern nursing from 1400 onwards. Nursing specialisms such as district nursing and wet nursing are covered and while Florence Nightingale has her own individual entry, lesser-known nurses and their legacies are also covered. Among these are Dame Cecily Saunders, founder of St. Christopher’s Hospice, and Ethel Gordon Fenwick, founder of the first professional nurse register. Illustrations include everything from Bronze Ages skulls and Leonardo da Vinci’s anatomical drawings of blood vessels to photographs of a 1930s nurse’s fob watch, a modern-day nurses’ uniform and a myriad of things in between. A short book that covers a lot. Thoroughly recommended.

Author – Louise Wyatt

Publisher – Amberley Publishing

Format – Paperback

Pub date – 2019

ISBN – 9781445681511


Pages – 96

Dimensions – 165mm x 234mm

Weight – 280g


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