Fact Packed Activity Book: Human Body


9 in stock

How much do you know about your own body, and how it works? Why should you have to shower? Why do some people like the taste of broccoli and others don’t? Start at the mouth and roll the dice to see how long it takes the body to digest food, test your touch receptors with a finger trick, and put the pieces of our skeleton together in a match-up exercise. Packed with plenty of fascinating facts, fun challenges, quizzes and puzzles. Learning has never been so easy!

9 in stock


This book features 48 interactive spreads with age-appropriate texts supporting lower KS2 curriculum for 5–9-year-olds, and features many hands-on anatomy-based activities. There is a good balance of text and exercises in a book that promotes interactive learning and that features bright eye-catching illustrations and photography. Each page features a good balance between text and activities and is apt for reluctant readers/learners. It will help children develop reading ability as well as critical thinking as they work their way through puzzles and tasks.

Dorling Kindersley is known for its list of exciting and accessible children’s books and, as its own website states, this book is ‘a must-have volume for inquisitive and fact-loving kids with a niche for knowledge, The Fact-Packed Activity Book: Human Body combines interesting facts about the human body with entertaining activities that encourage children to have fun as they learn. In fact, a recent study suggests that children’s activity books help them to develop their reading ability, as well as their literacy and critical thinking! Puzzling out the different steps through each activity naturally improves their comprehension skills whilst they enjoy endless fun along the way!’

Editor – Katie Lawrence

Publisher – Dorling Kindersley

Format – Paperback picture flat

ISBN – 9780241538401


Pages – 96

Weight – 203g

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