Vlad and the Florence Nightingale Adventure


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The dirt and filth of Scutari Hospital is the perfect home for a Vlad the flea and Loxton the rat. But the arrival of Florence Nightingale and her strange companion changes everything. Will the friends be driven out or can they save the day?

This book tells the story of Florence Nightingale, the conditions in which she found herself and the impact she had from a very interesting point of view. Alexis Soyer, one of the first celebrity chefs, puts in an appearance as does Mary Seacole, and we even get to meet Jimmy the tortoise. Vlad, and his host rat Loxton, are not at all sure about the new regime that Florence brings to the hospital they call home.

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This book is one of several titles in the A Flea in History series and comes from Reading Riddle. They are illustrated stories, each with a related activity book, telling of Vlad the flea’s adventures in history, everything from adventures involving Tutankhamun’s tomb, the Mary Rose and the First World War. Each page is filled with lovingly created illustrations and large sized text. Telling the story from the point of view of the flea allows for the starting of conversations around why Vlad is seeing and hearing certain things around him. The book was researched at the Florence Nightingale Museum and is an excellent way to introduce children to this subject.

The magnificent Reading Riddle website is filled with extra content linked to this book, along with teacher’s guides, parent’s guides, videos, craft activities and much more. However, while the website adds a lot of value to this book, it can be read and enjoyed as a stand-alone picture book, with lovely illustrations and a story which is informative and fun.

This title is accompanied by an activity book

Author – Kate Cunningham

Illustrator – Sam Cunningham

Publisher – Reading Riddle

Format – Paperback picture flat

Pub date – 2018

ISBN – 9780995520561

Pages – 32

Dimensions – 215mm x 278mm

Weight – 186g


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