Research and Resources

Here we have gathered some resources we always find very helpful for researching Nightingale’s life, her legacy and nursing in general. We hope that you find them useful too. You can also see some of our most frequently asked questions and our information pages below too.

Please note that we are not responsible for any content on external websites.

Links to other organisations

The London Archives Our archive collection is held at the The London Archives. This includes all records of the Nightingale Training School. Please contact The London Archives directly for any queries relating to our archives.
Royal College of Nurses (RCN) Library & Archives Holds documents relating to the History of Nursing and the history of the RCN.
British Red Cross Museum & Archives
Wellcome Collection Museum and library dedicated to exploring health and human experience. Holds Nightingale letters.
National Army Museum (NAM) NAM holds collections relating to the British army up to the modern day, including objects related to Nightingale.
National Archives Useful resources on researching ancestors who were doctors or nurses.

Frequently Asked Questions

I have a relative who nursed in the Crimea, where can I see a list of the nurses that worked with Nightingale?

Here at the Florence Nightingale Museum, we hold the Register of Nurses sent to the Military Hospitals in the East. This is a list of all the nurses who worked in the hospitals.

You can download a transcript of the Register here.

I am looking for someone who trained at the Nightingale Training School, can I access your archive?

Our archive relating to the Nightingale Training School is held at The London Archives. In order to access these, you will need to contact The London Archives directly.

You can search the archives here.

Do you have transcripts of the letters in your collection?

Yes, most of our letters have transcripts. These can be found on their entry on ehive.

I think I might be related to Florence Nightingale?

Neither Florence or her sister had children, so there are no direct descendants of this particular branch of the Nightingales. Any relations would be descendants of their cousins or through Parthenope’s marriage into the Verney family.

Got another question? Please use the ‘contact’ button at the top of our website to get in touch. Please note that as a small team it may sometimes take us time to get back to you but we will try our best to help. 

Further Information