Sheryl Kellogg (nee Smith)
In honour of her retirement

To honour your 14 years of service at Nightingale Homecare in Phoenix, Arizona we are dedicating this entry in the Book of Honour at the Florence Nightingale Museum in London to celebrate the momentous occasion of your retirement and 48 years of service as a nurse.
We’ve had the pleasure of knowing your incredible dedication to service and care, your mentorship, and your unyielding patience for well over a decade. You are always willing to lend a helping and healing hand. In your pursuit of excellence, you have spent every day with integrity, inspiring the rest of us to provide the highest quality of care for our patients.
The vision for our agency is that every clinician would carry on the legacy of Florence Nightingale, and Sheryl, you continually exemplify all of the wonderful qualities of her mission.
You mean so much to us, both in the profession and as a friend. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you for your years of commitment to the nursing profession. You are and will always be a true Nightingale.