• We are delighted to officially launch this definitive guide of the life and ground-breaking achievements of arguably one of the most famous nurses in history, Florence Nightingale. This guide is a joint venture between the Florence Nightingale Museum and the Florence Nightingale Foundation, which is all the more poignant as this year is the bicentenary of Florence Nightingale's birth. To mark this very special anniversary, the World Health Organization have designated 2020 as Year of the Nurse and Midwife and this guide is the perfect opportunity for us to celebrate the career of such as illustrious individual as Florence.   All shop sales support the Florence Nightingale Museum, a registered charity and its work.
  • Comprehensive biography about Florence, written by Mark Bostridge
  • Out of stock
    A History of Nursing explores the history of nursing by investigating the earliest records of the caring profession, how it progressed and what established it along the way to becoming the nursing we see today. It starts at the beginning of the story -? how, once upon a time, all we had to depend on was Mother Nature. Over time, education and standards improved for the safety, development and governance of the profession. Not everything was plain sailing and the book introduces lesser-known people who made this possible, sometimes at great cost to themselves, and the effect military nursing had on the nineteenth century in turning nursing from religious principles to the secular standards we see today. How did nursing go from being knowledge handed down through ancient scripts, folklore and sometimes by accident, to the degree-level, accountable practice of modern times? And why do nurses not wear hats anymore? A History of Nursing answers all these questions and more.   All shop sales support the Florence Nightingale Museum, a registered charity, and its work.
  • Nurses and nursing are firmly rooted in Britain's heritage, for the profession as we know it today owes much to the pioneering work of Florence Nightingale. Before she helped the establish the first nurse training school in Liverpool in the late 1800s, the women who looked after the sick were a motley mix. The role of the nurse has developed from the untrained handywoman and private nurse, through the early nurses who acted as 'health missioners', to the highly trained professionals we recognise today. Nurse training has evolved to reflect the advances in medical treatment and nurses have been able to engage more widely with the community by undergoing additional training as, for example, district nurse, school nurses, midwives, health visitors and mental health nurses. During both world wars, nurses made a special contribution on the home front and overseas. Using first-hand accounts from nurses through the ages, Susan Cohen takes us on a nostalgic journey through the history of nurses and nursing in Britain, from the pre-Nightingale days through to the post-NHS era.   All shop sales support the Florence Nightingale Museum, a registered charity, and its work.
  • First published 1857, this autobiography explores the many adventures of Mary Seacole
  • Florence Nightingale is known as 'The Lady with the Lamp', who travelled to Scutari to nurse the soldiers fighting in the Crimean War. But she stayed there less than two years, she spent more than half her life in London, and she lived until the age of 90. So, what else did she do, and where else did she go? Why did Florence's father change his name to Nightingale? Who found Athena the Owl in Mayfair? How many nurses went with Florence to Scutari? Was Florence married? Where did Florence buy her perfume? Did Florence ever go to India? What and where is the Nightingale Jewel? With this book you will be able to discover the answers to these questions and many more.
  • In this classic historical nursing text, first published in 1859, Nightingale wrote '...nothing but observation and experience will teach us the ways to maintain or to bring back the state of health'. The guidance Nightingale wrote of includes such practicalities as ventilation, heating, noise, light, bedding and the cleanliness of the patient's environment, as well as a nurse's personal cleanliness and methods of observation. The pioneering work of Florence Nightingale and her effort to structure the care of the unwell has since earned her recognition as one of the world's founders of modern nursing. Over 160 years later, the observations of the sick by Florence Nightingale are astonishingly similar, which is why Notes on Nursing is as practical as it is captivating. Whether you are a student nurse or experienced nurse, or simply caring for the infirm, this book stands the test of time and maintains its innovativeness. Florence is remembered as the founder of modern nursing, but she was so much more; a female icon in her own lifetime, a healthcare pioneer, an influential statistician, a trailblazer and a leader. And her legacy still lives on today. Published in conjunction with - and including a foreword by - the Florence Nightingale Museum.   All shop sales support the work of the Florence Nightingale Museum, a registered charity, and its work.   
  • Meet Florence Nightingale, the founder of modern nursing. Growing up in an upper-class family, it was expected that Florence would find a husband and live a life of luxury—but that kind of life wasn’t for her. Her calling was caring for the sick and the poor, so she followed her passion with her whole heart and trained to be a nurse. When war broke out, Florence travelled to nurse wounded soldiers but found that the hospitals were so dirty that they were making people ill! This experience inspired her to lead a healthcare revolution, and she became the mother of modern nursing, introducing care practices still followed today. This inspiring book features stylish and quirky illustrations and extra facts at the back, including a biographical timeline with historical photos and a detailed profile of the social reformer’s life.
  • Written by Lucy Lethbridge and illustrated by Karen Donnelly. Born into a wealthy family, Florence Nightingale could have lived a life of leisure and luxury. Instead she longed to be a nurse. In 1830, that was the last thing a rich girl could do - but Florence was no ordinary girl. All shop sales support the Florence Nightingale Museum, a registered charity, and its work.
  • In this classic historical text on hospitals - featuring a foreword by the Florence Nightingale Museum - Nightingale reveals her passion for good hospital architecture and design. At Scutari she saw first hand the harm which can be caused by inadequate and poorly-designed hospital buildings. Nightingale openly criticised designs which she thought might lead to higher infection rates, and therefore patients deaths, Florence Nightingale, keen to increase the range of employment open to women, spent time visiting hospitals in Europe, studying their methods of training nurses, before she was herself trained at Kaiserswerth in 1851. During the Crimean War, Florence Nightingale's quiet determination in tackling the problems in the face of a deep-rooted military establishment, as well as her understanding of the spiritual and physical needs of the wounded soldiers and their families, won her great acclaim and an international reputation as 'The Lady with the Lamp'. Reports of Florence Nightingale's findings and suggestions had a profound effect on the medical community and re-established her as an international healthcare authority. Published in conjunction with the Florence Nightingale Museum.   All shop sales support the Florence Nightingale Museum, a registered charity, and its work. 
  • Paperback edition of Florence Nightingale: A Very Brief History by Lynn McDonald
  • There are two very special visitors at playgroup today - Dr Brown Bear and Nurse Fox! Peppa and her friends find out how to keep fit, stay healthy and wash their hands really well! But when the children take their turn at being doctors and nurses, will Dr Brown Bear be a good patient?
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