Out of stockHow much do you know about your own body, and how it works? Why should you have to shower? Why do some people like the taste of broccoli and others don't? Start at the mouth and roll the dice to see how long it takes the body to digest food, test your touch receptors with a finger trick, and put the pieces of our skeleton together in a match-up exercise. Packed with plenty of fascinating facts, fun challenges, quizzes and puzzles. Learning has never been so easy!
Let's hear it for the health heroes! From Florence Nightingale to today's midwives, doctors, paramedics, carers and more, this book is packed of true stories of healthcare workers past and present, all around the world. Including famous names and unsung heroes, these are real people being amazing - making new discoveries, putting themselves on the front line and helping to take care of people in need, in all sorts of ways.
After their breakfast and a swim in the sea, Dot the dalmatian and her owner Rose jump on the bus to the hospital. Dot loves visiting the children of Wallaby Ward and they’re always pleased to see her too; from a crying baby to a bored teenager - a pat, a stroke and a cuddle with Dot cheers everyone up. But the work of the hospital dog doesn’t stop there and when one of her patients is in trouble, it’s up to Dot to save the day!
Meet Florence Nightingale, the founder of modern nursing. Growing up in an upper-class family, it was expected that Florence would find a husband and live a life of luxury—but that kind of life wasn’t for her. Her calling was caring for the sick and the poor, so she followed her passion with her whole heart and trained to be a nurse. When war broke out, Florence travelled to nurse wounded soldiers but found that the hospitals were so dirty that they were making people ill! This experience inspired her to lead a healthcare revolution, and she became the mother of modern nursing, introducing care practices still followed today. This inspiring book features stylish and quirky illustrations and extra facts at the back, including a biographical timeline with historical photos and a detailed profile of the social reformer’s life.
A wonderful celebration of the fascinating and seldom heard stories of Britain’s Black nurses. From ancient and medieval Africa, through colonisation and enslavement, through wars, times of great change and onwards … to the creation of the NHS and beyond, the story of nursing has always also been the story of Britain’s Black nurses. This story includes many incredible nurses from around the world: talented, skilful, innovative, hardworking and resilient
Mary was a brave nurse. When a war starts in the Crimea, Mary sails far across the sea to offer her help. Can she save the soldiers, even when the bullets at flying? The delightful book tells the story of Mary Seacole, from her childhood in Jamaica, through to her old age and the writing of her autobiography detailing her many adventures. Along the way we hear tales of her skill at curing Cholera, why she became known as ‘Mother Seacole’, her time in the Crimea and her meeting with Florence Nightingale. Some of the characters in the book are fictional, but Mary’s story is all true.
The dirt and filth of Scutari Hospital is the perfect home for a Vlad the flea and Loxton the rat. But the arrival of Florence Nightingale and her strange companion changes everything. Will the friends be driven out or can they save the day? This book tells the story of Florence Nightingale, the conditions in which she found herself and the impact she had from a very interesting point of view. Alexis Soyer, one of the first celebrity chefs, puts in an appearance as does Mary Seacole, and we even get to meet Jimmy the tortoise. Vlad, and his host rat Loxton, are not at all sure about the new regime that Florence brings to the hospital they call home.
This activity book accompanies the picture book Vlad and the Nightingale Adventure. In 1854 Vlad the flea and Loxton the rat were enjoying the rotten food and dirt in Scutari Hospital. Their lives were turned upside down by the arrival of Florence Nightingale and her tortoise Jimmy. They know a lot about Florence and her work, but how much do you know? Find out about Florence Nightingale through puzzles and games and learn how to people with basic first aid skills.