• In this classic historical nursing text, first published in 1859, Nightingale wrote '...nothing but observation and experience will teach us the ways to maintain or to bring back the state of health'. The guidance Nightingale wrote of includes such practicalities as ventilation, heating, noise, light, bedding and the cleanliness of the patient's environment, as well as a nurse's personal cleanliness and methods of observation. The pioneering work of Florence Nightingale and her effort to structure the care of the unwell has since earned her recognition as one of the world's founders of modern nursing. Over 160 years later, the observations of the sick by Florence Nightingale are astonishingly similar, which is why Notes on Nursing is as practical as it is captivating. Whether you are a student nurse or experienced nurse, or simply caring for the infirm, this book stands the test of time and maintains its innovativeness. Florence is remembered as the founder of modern nursing, but she was so much more; a female icon in her own lifetime, a healthcare pioneer, an influential statistician, a trailblazer and a leader. And her legacy still lives on today. Published in conjunction with - and including a foreword by - the Florence Nightingale Museum.   All shop sales support the work of the Florence Nightingale Museum, a registered charity, and its work.   
  • Paperback edition of Florence Nightingale: A Very Brief History by Lynn McDonald
  • This metal ornament has been made exclusively for the Florence Nightingale Museum by Tinker Tailor, London. It features the iconic image of Florence on a ward at Scutari Hospital, with gold edging and a gold ribbon.   All shop sales support the Florence Nightingale Museum, a registered charity, and its work.
  • Nurses and nursing are firmly rooted in Britain's heritage, for the profession as we know it today owes much to the pioneering work of Florence Nightingale. Before she helped the establish the first nurse training school in Liverpool in the late 1800s, the women who looked after the sick were a motley mix. The role of the nurse has developed from the untrained handywoman and private nurse, through the early nurses who acted as 'health missioners', to the highly trained professionals we recognise today. Nurse training has evolved to reflect the advances in medical treatment and nurses have been able to engage more widely with the community by undergoing additional training as, for example, district nurse, school nurses, midwives, health visitors and mental health nurses. During both world wars, nurses made a special contribution on the home front and overseas. Using first-hand accounts from nurses through the ages, Susan Cohen takes us on a nostalgic journey through the history of nurses and nursing in Britain, from the pre-Nightingale days through to the post-NHS era.   All shop sales support the Florence Nightingale Museum, a registered charity, and its work.
  • From the medicine we take to the cars we drive, the clothes we wear adn even the beer we drink, statistics hae given shape to the world we inhabit. However, for the media, statistics are routinely 'damning', 'horrifying' or, occasionally, 'encouraging'. Exploring the history, mathematics, philosophy and practical use of statistics, Eillen Magnello - with the help of Borin Van Loon's deft illustration - traces the rise of statistics from the ancient Babylonians, Egyptians and Chinese, to the censuses of the Romans and the Greeks, and the modern emergence of the term itself in Europe. They explore the English Victorians such ass William Farr who created the modern discipline of vital statistics, and Francis Galton, W. F. R. Weldon and Karl Pearson who established the fundamentally different modern discipline of mathematical statistics. Introducing Statistics is an enjoyable, suprise-filled tour through a subject that is both fascinating, and crucial to understanding our world.   All shop sales support the Florence Nightingale Museum, a registered charity, and its work.
  • Fun rubber duck in the shape of our favourite nurse, complete with fanoos! All shop sales support the Florence Nightingale Museum, a registered charity, and its work.
  • Written by Kate Cunningham and illustrated by Sam Cunningham The dirt and filth of Scutari Hospital is the perfect home for a Vlad the flea and Loxton the rat. But the arrival of Florence Nightingale and her strange companion changes everything. Will the friends be driven out or can they save the day? All shop sales support the Florence Nightingale Museum, a registered charity, and its work.
  • This painted and leaded glass lancet window panel was discovered in store in Guy's Hospital in 2017. The glass panel may have come from Riddel House- a nurse's home established for St. Thomas' Hospital and the Nightingale Training School. This glass portrait of Florence may have been the only surviving treasure from the home. The panel dates from the early 20th Century and is on display in the museum. High quality Stained Glass self-cling window decoration. All shop sales support the Florence Nightingale Museum, a registered charity, and its work.
  • Black ink pen, featuring a floating Florence, walking up and down the wards of Scutari Hospital while holding her lamp. All shop sales support the Florence Nightingale Museum, a registered charity, and its work.
  • Written by Kate Cunningham and illustrated by Sam Cunningham. In 1854 Vlad the flea and Loxton the rat were enjoying the rotten food and dirt in Scutari Hospital. Their lives were turned upside down by the arrival of Florence Nightingale and her tortoise Jimmy. They know a lot about Florence and her work, but how much do you know? Find out about Florence Nightingale through puzzles and games and learn how to people with basic first aid skills. All shop sales support the Florence Nightingale Museum, a registered charity, and its work.
  • Written by Lucy Lethbridge and illustrated by Karen Donnelly. Born into a wealthy family, Florence Nightingale could have lived a life of leisure and luxury. Instead she longed to be a nurse. In 1830, that was the last thing a rich girl could do - but Florence was no ordinary girl. All shop sales support the Florence Nightingale Museum, a registered charity, and its work.
  • We are delighted to officially launch this definitive guide of the life and ground-breaking achievements of arguably one of the most famous nurses in history, Florence Nightingale. This guide is a joint venture between the Florence Nightingale Museum and the Florence Nightingale Foundation, which is all the more poignant as this year is the bicentenary of Florence Nightingale's birth. To mark this very special anniversary, the World Health Organization have designated 2020 as Year of the Nurse and Midwife and this guide is the perfect opportunity for us to celebrate the career of such as illustrious individual as Florence.   All shop sales support the Florence Nightingale Museum, a registered charity and its work.
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